Audition Materials for Harp

2024-2025, Version F

SEMYO Orchestras

Note: Open auditions for harp are only offered for Concert Orchestra.

Concert Orchestra is a full orchestra experience for advanced students on string, woodwind, brass, harp, and percussion instruments. Literature includes original masterworks for full symphony orchestra. Students may play music in any key and utilize advanced techniques.

for the 2024-2025 season

Please remember:

  • No metronome
  • No headphones/earphones/etc
  • No need to announce your name or what you’re playing. ????

1. Solo

  • Please record one solo between 1-2 minutes that best demonstrates your abilities. Solos need not be memorized.
  • Choose your selection with guidance from your private teacher or orchestra/band director. If you need a suggestion on which solo to prepare, please contact us at [email protected]!

2. Excerpts

For Concert Orchestra, please record the following excerpt.

Excerpt: Cadenza from “Capriccio Espagnol” by Rimsky-Korsakov

3. Scales & Arpeggios

For Concert Orchestra, record the following 2 octave G-flat Major Scale & Arpeggio